Website expansion updates

I have been working on fleshing out my website in the last few days. The main site over at is no longer a placeholder redirecting to my blog. I adopted the blog’s theme and template to make work as a more professional landing page.

The plan so far is to move all long-form articles out of this blog and into one or more categories on the main website (I am still not settled on the exact categorisation). This will declutter the blog, which now has a mixture of release announcements, articles, status updates, and actual “bloggy” posts.

Piggybacking on the modifications I made on the template for homepage use, cma-keyboard now has its dedicated project homepage. A new minor version of the layout should be coming out soon. I also received requests to work on a Cypriot Greek keyboard next, so when that’s ready it will get its own project homepage on the same subdomain.

At some point soon, will become a real bloggy blog, with topical posts, opinion, and short updates only. Academic articles and presentations will go on the main website (or a dedicated subdomain if I can’t make it work there), and software releases will go to dedicated project homepages. Every section will have its own syndication feed.

What I wish to do soon is set up public git repos and share all the modifications I made to the theme and templates. The theme is under the GPL, and there’s a link on the footer of each page if you want to get the source. The Jinja template is in the public domain, but I still want to share it. It’s not done yet simply because I want to self host the git repositories.